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JF Recruitment May Newsletter.

We can’t believe it’s May already, and JF Recruitment’s latest newsletter is here to bring you updates, news and advice on all things recruitment.

Candidates Invest in Businesses That Invest in Them

In a candidate-led job market, it’s becoming increasingly common for job seekers to lean towards employers who offer a complete employment package.

EY has just released their 2022 Work Reimagined Survey, showing that 43% of employees are likely to quit their jobs, motivated by higher salaries, better career opportunities, and increased flexibility.
The 25 best workplaces to grow your career in the UK

Following on from this, Linkedin’s recently published top companies of 2022 makes for interesting reading. The companies ranked as the best places to work all had one significant thing in common… a great benefit package built around the needs of their employees.

We’re proud of our reputation for working with great employers, which is why we’re so pleased to see many of the same flexible benefits being offered by our own clients, including:

  • Dividends and profit shares
  • Enhanced bonus
  • Additional holidays and emergency holidays
  • Study support
  • Scheduled salary reviews
  • Flexible/agile working
  • Home/Hybrid working
  • Flexible working hours

If you want some advice on your employee benefits package, you can arrange a consultation with the team.

JFR News

We are always upskilling ourselves in the JFR team to ensure we can continue to supply our clients with award winning customer service. A couple of weeks ago, our Faye Smith – Head Office Recruiter attended a training course for Recruitment Resourcers.

Out of the 10 recruitment businesses that were represented – we were the only recruiter that INTERVIEWS our candidates.
The only recruiter!

Why? We couldn’t understand it. Suffice to say, their success rate wasn’t 99%…
Ours is!

Candidate Spotlight

Telemarketing / Customer Service Team Manager
£35k minimum

  • Marketing Professional
  • Team Management
  • Account Manager/ Customer Focus
  • Relationship building/ Client Meetings
  • Managing Budgets

Trending News

Just for Lols

Jobs we’re glad aren’t a thing any more…
Knocker-up – Up until the late 1970’s, before the alarm clock took over, the only way to get to work on time was to hire a knocker-up who would shoot peas at your window to wake up.

Fun Fact
It’s impossible to hum while holding your nose (just try it!)

Our Clients Say…

“Best recruiter on Merseyside.  Great team, thorough and professional service with excellent placement record.  Highly recommended.”

Jo’s Top Tips

Recruitment Strategy should be Priority
It’s no secret we are in a widely candidate driven market at the moment, with many sectors struggling to attract the talent that they need to thrive and grow. That means employers must take action to consider how they present their positions to the community. It’s not just about salary.

Benefits package, development opportunity, progression, management style and culture all impact a candidate’s choices and journey when considering which job they will accept next.

However, succession planning needs to play a part in your strategy, as the latest labour market figures from ONS indicate a ‘over-50’s exodus’. So, whilst the youth employment figure is slowly recovering, there’s a huge amount planning to depart (some employers are already starting to see the effects of this).

Pension planning and investments have been on everyone’s minds during the pandemic, therefore it’s crucial that businesses have plans in place to fulfil these roles. Whether they be back office, senior exec level or otherwise.

We speak to clients every day to discuss six, twelve and twenty four month recruitment plans, so whether your business has growth plans, or simply wants to continue trading at current levels, it’s important to have this strategy in place.

Like anything, it’s about decision making, creative planning and taking action

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JF Recruitment Latest Newsletter

The latest from the JFR Team! 

Salary V Budget!

The latest report from KPMG and REC, shows permanent starters’ salaries and temp wages have had the sharpest rise in 24 years of data collection. This comes at a time when candidate availability is continuing to fall. 
